Sunday, June 6, 2010

More updates

We have been fairly busy around these parts, working almost every day.  This week I picked up two extra shifts and boy, is my body paying me back for it.  About two weeks ago, I woke up with my lower right back in absolute pain, it was worse than the pain I've had in the last few years.  I did go to work (gotta get that paycheck), but it was a rough day.  The next day I called out of a four-hour shift and stayed home with Zak, who introduced me to kundalini yoga stuff.  I started doing 10-15 minutes every night and morning (and sometimes more, if needed) of a few stretching back exercises, and that helped.  Every day I was still in pain, but it was lessening every day.

Fast forward to this week, where the pain is definitely smaller, but now it seems to have moved to my upper back, across the shoulder blades area.  I've been sleeping flat on my back with a pillow under my legs, since sleeping on my side seemed to only make the pain more intense.  So I have been trying and doing my best, but sometimes, I just gotta load up on Excederin.  Most days after work I don't notice the pain, and I think standing and moving helped that, but now my feet are so burned out.  I haven't picked up any extra shifts for the next few weeks, due to my body being angry at me, and because there weren't any that would really fit our schedule.

Zak has been working a lot, as well.  He has some pretty chill co-workers, which is good.  Especially since they don't care if I spend my breaks and lunches over there--it's never super busy, so they don't mind.  It's nice to have lunch dates with Zak almost every day-we try to make it work out.

Zak has been super productive the last few days.  We noticed about 4 or 5 days ago that our betta, Richard, was looking kind of sad and sick.  Zak took him out of the fish tank and put him back in the vase, and we noticed he had a kind of fungus on his tail.  It was very sad.  Zak bought some medicine for him, and so far he's been improving, but now we are thinking he might need a different medicine.  Apparently the fish tank's water was fairly dirty, since we have forgotten about changing the filters, but Zak took care of that and bought like, 10 little snails for $1, to eat the algae and plaque that's been growing on the tank.  We hope to return Richard to the warm tank in the next day or two.

Last week we used a gift card we had to Sears on a grill and I picked it up on Friday.  It's a BBQ-Pro and charcoal powered.  It took Zak a bit to set up, but he did it and we had homemade burgers that night.  It was my first time making burgers, so they were a bit small, but they were yummy!  We are looking forward to grilling this summer! :)

Also this week my computer decided to stop working.  It had something to do with a corrupted file and it wouldn't boot up properly, despite the tricks Zak tried.  Luckily, my dad had some of the Windows CD-Roms and sent them to us and Zak was able to get it all figured out last night.  It's lucky I married him, huh?  What a smart guy I have!  I would never have known what to do, especially now that my warranty's run out.  The next step is to fix my external hard drive, which might be a pain.

We are looking forward to our L.A. vacation very much, it is in less than two weeks!!  We are also looking forward to coming back to Moscow and not to Rexburg, after an awful 4.5 bus ride from Salt Lake.  I'm super excited to see my family and get tan again and not be on my feet all day!

That's about all I have for now; just wanted to let you guys know that we are alive and doing well.

1 comment:

Zak said...

I like the phrase "charcoal-powered".

Also you are cute. And my face is weird on the main picture.