Saturday, May 22, 2010

New look.

I've been playing with the blog for the past week, trying to find a background & pictures that would work.  And I think I found a 'theme', if you will, that I like.  The picture of us isn't the most perfect (I'm not overly fond of my smile), but I just absolutely adore Zak in this picture.  It's a nice somewhat candid photo of us and I just really like it.  As for the background, I never thought I'd like this particular one from Shabby Blogs, but go figure, right?  I just wanted something that was 'spring-y', but not over the top.  I don't know, just thought I'd share.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll write about our lives.  It hasn't been wildly exciting, we've just been working mostly.  And we're excited to go to the beach in a few weeks, yay!!  But for now, I have to go to work so I'll write later.


Unknown said...

I like the new look!! I am jealous that you're going to the beach!!!!!!!! I could use a vacation to California. How long are you going to be there?

Rachel said...

We'll be there for a whole week, yippee! I'm going to be tan again :)