Sunday, May 9, 2010


Sorry for the lack of updates, it has been fairly busy in the Reilly household as of late.

First off, Zak got a job & worked yesterday!  He is currently employed at Harry Ritchie's jewelry store in the mall.  It's actually really close to Macy's, so we can wave to each other now & then AND when we work similar schedules, take lunch together!  We're glad he got this job, because he had to go through two interviews & an urine testing at the hospital & wait a few weeks to hear about it. 

Oh and yes, I've been working at Macy's since like, the day after my interview.  I was hired on the spot as an on-call worker and the following day had a Welcome to Macy's training kind of day.  One of the managers told me he'd like to put me into a full-time core (permanent) position in the women's (betters sportswear) section.  The day after that I did training on the register computer thing for three long hours.  That Saturday I came into work to close (1:15-9:15).  It also happened to be a One Day Sale AND University of Idaho's Mother's Weekend.  It was insanely busy and overwhelming.  I got a lot of sympathy for it and a few people were surprised to see me back on Tuesday. 

I work Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with the option to pick up extra shifts.  And it's better pay too, way over Idaho's minimum wage, so that's great.  My co-workers are nice girls that are easy and fun to work with (with the exclusion of one crazy one, but we're hoping things will get better...and yes, there has already been unnecessary drama, ugh) and my manager is great.  So far it's been pretty smooth sailing and I am getting competent with most everything.  I have to push myself to be on my friendliest behavior and talk to customers, but the majority of them are nice and understand if I don't know everything just yet.  There is, however, a lot of down time, meaning I get to fold a lot of clothes.  It's not too bad, I don't mind, actually.

So that is our work situation, we are pretty pleased to both be working and having two incomes.  Maybe we will go out to dinner now and then since we'll have money, yay! 

In other news...Zak wants me to mention that he bought a bike yesterday.  He is very excited about it and even rode it home because we didn't really want grease over our seats.  And it didn't fit too well.  It is a red bike.  He'll probably ride it to school and around town.  Maybe in a few weeks or so, if the price is reasonable, I'll get a bike as well so we can go on bike rides!

We also acquired a 5 gallon fish tank complete with heater, light, filter AND lots of guppies!  It was $10!  We have been very fortunate with craigslist around here.  We put our betta, Richard, in with the fish and he actually is doing really well with all the fish.  There are tiny babies and adult guppies and some in between.  We were worried he'd attack the fish, but he only chases the babies in a playful way now and then.  We like it.

We are still enjoying Moscow, despite the awful storm that has caused rain, hail, snow, winds and cold temperatures for the last three weeks.  But today and some of yesterday it was really nice!  That's all for now, since I can't think of much more to write, and I'm getting hungry for dinner.

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