Monday, May 3, 2010

Spice Crazy.

Zak and I have gone spice crazy.  It's probably due to the glorious store of Winco and their bulk selling of spices (and other goods), but we decided to create some uniformity amongst our vast multitude of spices.  We wanted to put the spices into jars similar to mason jars, and it just so happened that the lady at Michael's directed us to the perfect canister jars that were on clearance for under a dollar!  Yay!!  So this past weekend we bought, washed, dried, organized and labeled our spices.  Needless to say, we are pretty psyched at how well everything worked out.  Well, we are kind of nerdy, so...I'll just post some pictures to see how cute everything turned out!

the whole gang
original 10
afterthought 3
 Zak mounted it over the stove

 full shot

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