Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving...next month! *we hope*

We have more or less figured out our plans!  After much debating, pros & cons lists, and research, we have decided that Moscow, Idaho will be our next place of residency.  Zak did some research and found out that the school in Syracuse, NY is a little more expensive than the University of Idaho is, plus it's only a day drive vs. a few days drive.  There are several good programs that Zak is interested in, heck, I'm even excited about them!  It'll be great to have Zak back in school, taking classes that will not only be interesting, but will apply for his major! (For those of you who didn't know, the BYU-Idaho three-track system is great...if your major and your track line up.  Unfortunately, this was not the case for Zak; he was on the Winter/Summer track, whereas the Geology major is only offered on the Fall/Winter track.  The school  J U S T  changed the policy allowing spouses to switch tracks.  Before, it was near impossible--you'd have to have some many credits taken already, and seeing as how Zak could only take one or two classes max each Winter semester, it makes sense to change schools.)  He is looking into the Forestry area, I believe one major is called Forestry Resources?  Anyways, there are a few to choose from, and he is excited about that.  

Initially, I was very hesitant about this possibility.  I figured we would move back to Connecticut and work during the summer and either stay there for school or go up to NY.  Zak would at least have a job, and I probably would too.  We would be near his family, be out of the state, etc.  But once we really researched Moscow, we kind of fell in love with it.  Not only is it 10 minutes from the Washington border, but looks nothing at all like the area we are currently in!  There are many pictures of trees and it's in an area with national parks, so that helped our decision a bit.  The size of Moscow is about the same as Rexburg, but there are more places in the area (Safeway! Winco! Old Navy!) that we love.  The city of Pullman, WA is about 20 minutes away; it is home to .. a Washington State University.  Spokane is about 2 hours away. 

Yesterday we started looking seriously at moving information, like the rates for renting a truck or a pick-up truck or getting a hitch installed to tow a trailer.  And if Zak can make a good number of sales this month, we will definitely be fine money-wise.  We also started looking at apartments in Moscow and Pullman.  We e-mailed someone already; it would be so perfect if we were able to get the apartment-it's like 3 minutes from campus, the rent is about what we pay now, and is available.  We found some good information and if we have enough money, we may get a kitty.  But we'll see.

The only obstacle is finding a job for me.  I plan to go to the career services or whatever this week and see if they can help get me a job at either school.  Because that would be really great, to work in their art museums!  If that doesn't seem to be the case, there are a few museums I plan on volunteering at. 

As the month continues, we will hopefully know exactly when we are moving-we are really hoping we can move after I graduate, but if not, we might end up sticking around here until August.  We'll see, but now that we've made up our mind, every day in Rexburg is the longest day ever!  We are so excited to be moving not only locations but in life, this is going to be a great experience for us and I have the highest hopes for it.  As our plans became more solidified, I'll make sure to update!

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