Friday, March 12, 2010

Great news!

So we definitely have an apartment in Moscow!  The lady sent us this huge packet of papers we need to fill out and send back as soon as we can and let us know the address, etc.  We are SOOO excited!!  We keep talking about planting things in the little garden area and how nice it'll be to have an extra bedroom (that Jenna would be able to stay in if our parents spring for the idea!), new decoration ideas...We are happy to be moving onto a new place and chapter in our life.

ALSO, Zak got accepted into the University of Idaho; he wrote an e-mail today asking, and they responded that he was accepted and to look for the official letter in the mail.  Yay!!  We weren't too concerned that he'd get in, he's a smart guy with good grades and is a transfer student, but it's just nice to have it finalized.  He's pretty pumped about this school, but he's undecided about which cool program to go with: Environmental Sciences or Forestry Resources.  I wouldn't know either, they both sound awesome.  He is also planning on getting his teaching credential, which is something I may consider in the future...I still don't feel like I have the 'teaching gene' that the rest of my family does (1 grandma, 2 aunts, 1 cousin at the moment with a few more planning on it).  But maybe I will, who knows what'll happen, and I'm sure it'll be a great resource, blah blah blah. 

I've also decided that I should probably figure out what to do with graduation announcements.  I was looking around on-line for a cheaper option, and it was a challenge to find anything that would work.  But I went to the craft store we live across from (Porter's), and looked at their stuff.  I got inspired, and think I will make my own with some card stock and basic scrap booking supplies.  I'm actually really excited about it.  Tomorrow morning my friend is going to take some 'senior portraits' for me, since I think it'd be an alright idea to include a decent picture in the announcement, since some people might not recognize my new name just yet.

Zak has been working long and late this week, the past few nights he's gotten home after 10:30 to a very lonely wife.  It's been hard for both of us, but today he was able to get home a few hours earlier than that, so we were able to spend some time together.  He sold another vacuum on Tuesday, so that is good news.  Tomorrow is Sell-A-Kirby-Day, with extra incentive prizes, so hopefully it'll be a success.  He is an excellent salesman, but it's often hard to be forceful in sealing the deal.  My feelings are...the people probably didn't think they were going to drop $2,000 on a vacuum (it is worth it, though!) that day.  I'd be a bad salesman because I can usually put myself in the customer's shoes.  But Zak is getting better at it every day and his co-workers all really like him, so does his boss, so that is great.  I decided to not work, since the hours are not only long, but pretty unpredictable.  I have been able to get a lot accomplished with my school work, so that is good, at least.

I did hear back from a job at Macy's that I applied to in Moscow.  I received an e-mail with instructions to set up an interview; however, the site only had a date in March for the interview.  I called the store in Moscow and talked to the manager and explained that I wouldn't be able to interview until we were actually moved in.  She was very nice and told me to keep checking to see if another date would show up on the site that would work for me.  And if not, she said to call her once we moved in.  So that is good, hopefully something will happen with that.  

My back is doing a lot better in the last week.  The pills have helped, I usually take them in the afternoon, when I start to notice the pain, and an hour or two before I go to sleep.  I've been doing the exercises as well and sleeping with a pillow between my leg, and I've noticed a difference.  I've been able to sleep better throughout the night and wake up feeling better! 

I think that is it for the news update, we've actually had a pretty decent week around here.  I started a blog selling some of my old jewelry and clothing--not because I hate them, but because I don't wear them (I hardly wear jewelry anyways), or some of the shirts don't fit either because I've put on some weight, or garments restrictions now, etc.  But I've been able to make about $30 off ($60 once my friend's check gets here) of it this week.  I'm really hoping to sell as much as possible before we move, because I want to get it sold off to people who will love it and love wearing it, and the extra money certainly wouldn't hurt.

Tomorrow should be a success--senior pictures, helping out a friend, hopefully finishing the rough draft of my capstone paper, hopefully a sale or two for Zak--wish us luck!

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