Monday, February 7, 2011

Things that are Happening Currently.

So far, so good. Our life has been going well the last few weeks, despite some scheduling frustration. However, the weather has been splendid; it is like California in winter, but a little bit colder. Lots of rain, then sun, and the snow that comes every two weeks is gone in a day or so. It's probably a fluke that it's so nice right now, but we'll take it!

Zak has had some great success at work. Not only did the store make its period goal, but so did every employee, so that's two bonuses for Zak on his next check! The store had a good 'remount' show (kind of like a custom design show, lots of loose stones and settings, etc.), and is on its way to making its next goal. Zak is about halfway to his next goal, and it's only been a week. So that is great news, and we're sure he'll make it, what with Valentine's Day coming up and all.

Work has been about the same for me. Our fiscal year is over, so now we are onto new scorecards, etc. Every day is different, sometimes it's crazy busy (like on Saturday) vs. the super slow days where only old ladies come in the morning (Tuesdays, usually). I'm currently looking for other jobs that won't involve retail, so hopefully I'll have some good news to report soon...

Today we had a bit of a cleaning spree and went through our dresser and closet and sorted clothes. Our bedroom is beautiful now, whereas the second bedroom...well, we'll just say that we love having it as a 'storage room', because that's what it is for now. I don't think we'll ever more somewhere without it being a two-bedroom from now on, because it is wonderful to have that second bedroom.

I have been doing yoga for the past few weeks. I downloaded this really neat app on my iPad and just love it. I can custom-make my own routines or use the pre-made ones. I can definitely feel my muscles getting stronger and when I'm doing a certain pose or whatever, I can now identify which muscle I'm using and how to stretch it, etc. It's been pretty good so far. I did about an hour of it one morning and woke up sore for the next two days. My biggest hangup is my wrists. They are so small and weak, so some of the poses are very difficult for me. I'm taking it easy, but would like to find someway to make them stronger, or to alter some of the poses so as to take some of the pressure off my wrists.

Oh, and I decorated a little for Valentine's Day. Zak brought home my early Valentine's Day flowers: a potted hyacinth plant in a cute tin. It smells wonderful and I love the purple color! He is sweet and I'm glad to have him as my valentine. We don't really have plans yet for V-Day, since we don't know when/if Zak has to work. I don't, so the chances of me making some romantic dinner or something...are probably high. We'll see. You'll get an update.

Here are a few pictures :)
look how cute the pot is!

1 comment:

Kim said...

You. Two. Are. CUTE. and. Funny. Great blog stories - particularly as most have happy endings. Love the yoga (Sasha and Kim love yoga, I love Pilate - something for everyone) and cardigan/velour comfy clothes stories best, I think, most recently. Would love the tuxedo cake if someone else made it for me (hint). ♥