Spring is more or less here, which means the birds are singing, the sun is shining and the neighborhood kids are yelling as they play all day long. It's a magical time, the weather is fairly stable and some of our plants are starting to come alive again. Even as I sit here, the windows and back door are open to allow the soft wind creep into the house. It's nice.
What have we been up to? Oh, a little of this, little of that. I have been looking for work, sending our resumes and e-mails. I even had an interview for a nanny position that would have totally rocked, but they ended up going with someone who had previous teaching and nanny experience. Oh well. I've been communicating with the local art gallery director about volunteering there, doing docent tours with the K-12 kids that come through. So I'll hopefully be starting that up soon in the next little bit. But other than that, I've been doing my best to keep busy during the days, especially when Zak's at work. Sometimes the hours pass soooo slowly and I am so unmotivated that I end up watching t.v. longer than I probably should. I have been doing yoga and watching what I eat (it's certainly hard being home all day and not eating everything, so this is kind of a big deal), and so far it's been going well.
Zak has been working and will be working for like, 10 days straight or something silly. They finally got a fourth person at work, so he won't be working as much, but the scheduling is still getting hammered out. I try not to complain, because he's bringing home more than I am (but may I add, the unemployment kind of rules? I don't mind getting paid for baking cookies or reading, but I am mindful that one day it'll end). The new C.E.O. (who likes Zak, so that's great) came by yesterday on a visit (he's visiting all the stores, it seems). Zak's district supervisor told Zak that she's secretly been getting every store to make the C.E.O. Sean's favorite cookie, milk chocolate chip cookies. Zak volunteered to make them with me, because he knows how great a cookie baker I am. So on Wednesday, we made cookies together and boy, did they turn out perfect. Zak texted me after Sean left to tell me he loved the cookies and was really impressed. Maybe I'll start my own cookie shop, since I apparently rule.
We also found out yesterday that Zak's new position not only comes with a bonus for the shows he does, but also a pay raise. We were expecting one or the other, but we are pretty happy that he'll be getting both! We don't know how much yet, but hey, more money is more money. He signed up to do his diamond certification class this week. The way it works is, he pays initially to do the program, and, upon completion, the company pays him like 75% or so back. And he'll be Diamond Certified and everything, so his resume will be superior. He's also thinking about becoming gem certified, which he plans on doing after the diamond course. So he will just be all kinds of fancy soon.
We finally got some new fish. Unfortunately, we grew a bit neglectful of the fish tank. We started out with a bunch of guppies, all different ages. And we went through a few generations of fish and then, slowly, just down to one, lonely pretty guppy. And about 3 dozen snails. Zak bought something like 10 snails for a buck or whatever to get something to clean off the algae on the tank glass. Well, those 10 turned into a lot of snails. So we had a ton of snails and one fish. And we decided that needed to change. So down to the local pet store (Pets R People Too) to get some fish. We ended up getting a pretty black platy (I think), a red male platy, a female orange/white platy (hopefully they'll mate), a funny orange fish, and a 'red-finned shark'. And some fake plants (the snails were eating the live ones/I hated them) and a background. So now our tank is pretty again and I tried to get some pictures of the fish. Please excuse the blurriness, they are kind of fast. Next month we're planning on getting some more. Or next week.
the fish, more or less
Zak loves this one, he calls it 'trumpet face'
well, the guppy is on the far left, the shark is the one most clear, the red one is somewhat visible
I have been pretty pumped for baseball season. I grew up surrounded by baseball and I've really come to miss it. For awhile I just didn't really have access to watch games, and this week I finally broke down and got the official MLB app for my iPad. So at least I'll have something, because our cable is basic and probably won't feature the A's a lot. I also really hoped to go to a game when we go home to CA, but of course they're out of town the weekend we arrive and then it's the All-Stars week. Just my luck! I guess I'll have to wait until next year's trip to CA...
Oh yeah, we finally got our plane tickets for California! We will be there for a week, and will be in time for Kenny's arrival home from Sweden. I am so excited I can hardly wait. I am pretty bummed we won't be able to go to L.A. this year, but at least we'll be home in the Bay Area. We talked it out and the main points for the Bay Area included: less sunburns, San Francisco, my brother's homecoming. I am dying to go to the City, and Zak is, too. He loved being in L.A., but he is just not a beach-y person. So I've decided the day my family is in Disneyland, I'm listening to the soundtrack and watching the movies to keep my spirits up. But anyways, we are excited for our trip.
We are also excited for Jenna's visit at the end of the month. Already I wish she could stay one day longer, but we'll have to survive. Zak may have his additional training that week, but we'll make it work. I am so excited to have my sister here! I don't know what we'll do first, or rather, eat first. Moscow has so many great local places that we have come to love and I want to share it all with her. It's something like 24 days until her visit!
This year we are going to make a garden. Seriously. The tulips bulbs are already coming up, so we are for sure keeping those, but the rest is fair game. The lady before us had a nice place, but we want to make it ours. We have just been waiting for a day off for Zak without rain and cold and it looks like his next one'll work. I better start planning what I want...
Sorry this is a bit of a long post, but I just felt like writing today. I know it's been awhile since I updated, so I thought I'd give as much information as you could handle. Now here are some pictures with some captions.
What have we been up to? Oh, a little of this, little of that. I have been looking for work, sending our resumes and e-mails. I even had an interview for a nanny position that would have totally rocked, but they ended up going with someone who had previous teaching and nanny experience. Oh well. I've been communicating with the local art gallery director about volunteering there, doing docent tours with the K-12 kids that come through. So I'll hopefully be starting that up soon in the next little bit. But other than that, I've been doing my best to keep busy during the days, especially when Zak's at work. Sometimes the hours pass soooo slowly and I am so unmotivated that I end up watching t.v. longer than I probably should. I have been doing yoga and watching what I eat (it's certainly hard being home all day and not eating everything, so this is kind of a big deal), and so far it's been going well.
Zak has been working and will be working for like, 10 days straight or something silly. They finally got a fourth person at work, so he won't be working as much, but the scheduling is still getting hammered out. I try not to complain, because he's bringing home more than I am (but may I add, the unemployment kind of rules? I don't mind getting paid for baking cookies or reading, but I am mindful that one day it'll end). The new C.E.O. (who likes Zak, so that's great) came by yesterday on a visit (he's visiting all the stores, it seems). Zak's district supervisor told Zak that she's secretly been getting every store to make the C.E.O. Sean's favorite cookie, milk chocolate chip cookies. Zak volunteered to make them with me, because he knows how great a cookie baker I am. So on Wednesday, we made cookies together and boy, did they turn out perfect. Zak texted me after Sean left to tell me he loved the cookies and was really impressed. Maybe I'll start my own cookie shop, since I apparently rule.
We also found out yesterday that Zak's new position not only comes with a bonus for the shows he does, but also a pay raise. We were expecting one or the other, but we are pretty happy that he'll be getting both! We don't know how much yet, but hey, more money is more money. He signed up to do his diamond certification class this week. The way it works is, he pays initially to do the program, and, upon completion, the company pays him like 75% or so back. And he'll be Diamond Certified and everything, so his resume will be superior. He's also thinking about becoming gem certified, which he plans on doing after the diamond course. So he will just be all kinds of fancy soon.
We finally got some new fish. Unfortunately, we grew a bit neglectful of the fish tank. We started out with a bunch of guppies, all different ages. And we went through a few generations of fish and then, slowly, just down to one, lonely pretty guppy. And about 3 dozen snails. Zak bought something like 10 snails for a buck or whatever to get something to clean off the algae on the tank glass. Well, those 10 turned into a lot of snails. So we had a ton of snails and one fish. And we decided that needed to change. So down to the local pet store (Pets R People Too) to get some fish. We ended up getting a pretty black platy (I think), a red male platy, a female orange/white platy (hopefully they'll mate), a funny orange fish, and a 'red-finned shark'. And some fake plants (the snails were eating the live ones/I hated them) and a background. So now our tank is pretty again and I tried to get some pictures of the fish. Please excuse the blurriness, they are kind of fast. Next month we're planning on getting some more. Or next week.
Oh yeah, we finally got our plane tickets for California! We will be there for a week, and will be in time for Kenny's arrival home from Sweden. I am so excited I can hardly wait. I am pretty bummed we won't be able to go to L.A. this year, but at least we'll be home in the Bay Area. We talked it out and the main points for the Bay Area included: less sunburns, San Francisco, my brother's homecoming. I am dying to go to the City, and Zak is, too. He loved being in L.A., but he is just not a beach-y person. So I've decided the day my family is in Disneyland, I'm listening to the soundtrack and watching the movies to keep my spirits up. But anyways, we are excited for our trip.
We are also excited for Jenna's visit at the end of the month. Already I wish she could stay one day longer, but we'll have to survive. Zak may have his additional training that week, but we'll make it work. I am so excited to have my sister here! I don't know what we'll do first, or rather, eat first. Moscow has so many great local places that we have come to love and I want to share it all with her. It's something like 24 days until her visit!
This year we are going to make a garden. Seriously. The tulips bulbs are already coming up, so we are for sure keeping those, but the rest is fair game. The lady before us had a nice place, but we want to make it ours. We have just been waiting for a day off for Zak without rain and cold and it looks like his next one'll work. I better start planning what I want...
Sorry this is a bit of a long post, but I just felt like writing today. I know it's been awhile since I updated, so I thought I'd give as much information as you could handle. Now here are some pictures with some captions.
Yay! When is your brother coming home? Mine will be back on the 20th!
Also, if you say those are the best cookies you have ever made they must be darn near perfection.
Kenny will be back July 8! Zak and I are flying home and spending a week with my family. That's exciting to have your brother back so soon, esp. before you leave. When do you leave, again? You'll be great, I know it! :)
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