Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Cleaning to the Max

This week we buckled down and did a lot of cleaning, specifically in the second bedroom upstairs. Jenna will be here soon, and shortly after her visit, Zak's mom Glenda will be with us for a few days. Plus, we haven't really done a whole lot with that second bedroom, save throwing it all in the closet, etc. Zak has rearranged some of it a few times, but we haven't gone through the bins and tubs of stuff since we moved.

We initially meant to just make the room look nicer, but I got started on one bin, and four hours later, had gone through everything. I decided that we each needed a bin for our individual winter wear, and one joint one for our summer things.

As we went along, we both found clothes that we haven't worn for years, and decided that a trip to Good Will was inevitable after awhile. I should've taken a picture of all of the stuff we gave away, it was a whole trunk full! I figured I would be able to survive without some of the shirts I used to wear years ago, or those old boots...We had a bag full of shoes and boots, and a huge bag of clothes from both of us. And these four chairs we got from our apartment manager for free when we first moved in. I also decided I could do without some purses and wallets. You're welcome, Good Will and the people of Moscow!

We also threw out a ton of stuff. But once it was all over, I felt incredible! We ended up fitting everything back into the closet, had used the bins smartly, and it looked wonderful. So now, Jenna, Glenda, anyone who wants to visit, our guest bedroom is nice and ready for you!

1 comment:

Delaney said...

So is the car working OK now? Did they have to put a new battery or alternator in it?

We are glad Jenna gets to visit, that is exciting.

Talk to you soon
