Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The storm.

Last night there was this awful storm. The winds got up to 85 MPH, which is Category 1 hurricane winds. It hit the hardest around 1:30 AM and knocked the power out. I instantly woke up, Zak slept through it a little bit. But then the thunder and lightning and hail started to come...hard. It was so loud that the only way I could try falling back asleep was to put on my headphones and listening to some relaxation meditation stuff. But just as I was close to drifting off to sleep, Zak's phone started vibrating and he got out of bed. It turns out the security company for Harry Ritchie's wanted to alert Zak that the store had lost power. And needed to tell him that at 2 AM, ugh. By then the storm had mostly passed over, but we were both wide awake. We talked for awhile and eventually Zak drifted off to sleep. It took me longer to fall asleep, and when I did, I slept in small pieces throughout the night.

But the best part was that I had to get up at 6:30 to get to work two hours early for our big One Day sale. We still didn't have power when I got up, so I got to put on minimal make-up and pull my hair back with our flashlight pointed into the mirror. I tried to call work a few times to see if there was power, and if not, would I have to come in. But it seems that right after we left to get to work, the power started coming back on, because lights were on throughout the city. So I got to work on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep and no food. Luckily, someone had brought in bagels and bananas, so I had something to eat.

Oh and today was really busy, all morning. And there was a lady who was on her second day of work so I had to work extra hard. And there were a ton of loud annoying people who seemed to enjoy making me miserable. But I managed to survive (and kick butt, despite it all) and got off work two hours earlier than normal. I tried to take a nap, but it's not going to happen. But at least I'll sleep well tonight, provided there isn't a hurricane outside my window...

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