Saturday, September 18, 2010

Zak's Birthday!

On Wednesday, we celebrated Zak's birthday.  He turned 22, big man moving up in the world!  For breakfast, we went to this really neat place in Pullman called the Old European Restaurant/Breakfast House.  Zak's parents got us a gift card to there for our anniversary, but we didn't really have the time to go.  It turned out to be a really awesome place, and we will definitely choose it again over Denny's.

We had lovely fresh-squeezed orange juice and split a warm cream cheese cinnamon roll.  Zak got 'Hungarian Traditional Goulash', which consisted of potatoes, onions, eggs, cheese and tomatoes.  AND it was a huge, heaping pile of it all.  He also got a side of German potato pancakes with applesauce.  He got through about a third of the goulash before deciding it'd be slightly disgusting if he could he the entire thing in one sitting.  We have leftovers of it in the fridge.

I got the 'Scandinavian Breakfast Plate', which came with a German potato pancake, two buttermilk pancakes (mmm, just like Grandma's!), 3 huckleberry-filled aebleskivers (Zak had never had them, he loved them) and a Swedish crepe (thicker than a French one) filled with sweet cream and topped with strawberries.  Everything was delicious, and we happy to take boxes of food home.

Then we came home and opened presents.  My theme for his presents was 'classy guy'.  I got him the Ocean's 11 trilogy pack, a stand for his razor and brush, some cool walnut and almond homemade soap, and sandalwood aftershave that matches his shaving soap.  His parents sent him a box with some random stuff, a nice new shirt and tie and a gift card to the Home Depot.  We then watched Ocean's 12 and had a lazy afternoon.

For dinner, Zak wanted steak and mashed potatoes, so we got some small steaks from the Co-Op.  We both have minimal experience cooking steak, but together we got it figured out.  I made the potatoes and we had some biscuits on the side.  Everything was delicious!
 what a goof

But my favorite part was his cake.  I really wanted to make a cake for him this year, and after he picked out the flavors, I started to get a little nervous...because I've made several different types of desserts, but never a cake by myself.  My family always has homemade cake for birthdays and my mom is a cake master, in my opinion.  So I was hoping I got the cake making gene.  Zak wanted a chocolate cake, so I decided to make a cake that is a favorite in my family.  For years we went to this place called the Nut Tree in CA, but it closed down when I was like 8.  They made a delicious chocolate cake and we have the recipe in our family cookbook.  I called my mom and got some good tips and clarifications and got to work.  And everything seemed to go well, so it looks like I got that cake making gene!

So we had our friends come over for cake and ice cream.  The cake was delicious, although it wasn't as moist as I had hoped for, but still, very yummy!  I was super proud and everyone loved it!
wax on the cake :( at least it came off easily

It was so nice to be able to spend the day with my cute husband.  We both had a fun time; I love giving him presents and yummy food.

Zak, I love you!  :)

  in his new shirt & tie combo from his parents, cleans up nice, huh?

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