Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is happening.

Aside from Zak's birthday, we haven't had anything major happening here in Moscow.  However, I feel like I should write at least something about our past month or so. 

1.  We got another hamster.  His name (yes, it's a boy, we are not into breeding dwarf hamsters) is Viscount Tesla von Roborovski.  He is slightly larger than Vladimir, and much quicker.  He has zoomed off Zak's hand a bunch, so we are careful with him.  Our friend Erika donated all of her hamster accessories to us, which is mostly why we decided to get another hamster.  Erika gave us a larger cage, some food bowls, dust bath bowls, rolling balls, a wooden house, a few wheels for the cage, a water bottle, and some connecting plastic maze things.  At first, the hamsters were unsure about each other and there was some fighting and what have you.  But after the first day, they seemed to have gotten along with each other.  We often find them snuggled up together in their house.  It's really quite adorable.  One of the funniest things they do is run on the wheel together, one following the other.  It's very funny.  Zak also put them both in a rolling ball, which was fun to watch them figure it out together.  They are very cute and we are happy with them.

2.  I got my hair cut this week.  It was kind of random, but at the same time...I've been wanting to, but just haven't felt the need.  But the day I went in, I had straightened my hair and flat-out was like, 'no, this won't do', so I got it cut that afternoon.  I was very nervous because I honestly don't remember the last time I've had my hair cut in a studio.  Someone from church, my mom, or my friend from BYU-I have cut it in the last decade+, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  And, not to be sexist or whatever, but a man was my hair dresser, which added to my nervousness.  However, I let myself relax and tried to be clear with my wishes.  And it turned out really well, he took his time (well, I have a ton of hair) and I am pleased with the results.  I didn't want a whole lot of length off, just some new layers and bangs, and it is very cute.  I even had a customer ask if I had it cut yesterday.

not the best picture, but trust me, it's shorter and cute

3.  We bought a new couch.  Er, sofa.  Well, I have hated our current couch for awhile (we got it a second-hand shop and it hurts my back), and we have been looking into getting a new one for our Christmas present.  It's just that .. Christmas decided to come early for us!  We had found one we liked at a store in town and tried to financing for it (it was a $440 couch, like $40/month payments, no biggie, right?), but we weren't cleared for it.  It upset us for awhile, since we have pretty decent credit history.  So we put that idea on the back-burner for awhile until we decided to go to Pullman on a mutual day off and look at a place.  It was basically good furniture for a cheaper price, I think the website is like or something.  Anyways, we found two sofas we really liked, and they were both cheaper than the store we had tried previously (since our price range was minimal, we had a limited selection).  After trying them both out, back and forth, we settled on the one I really liked (sorry, Zak!--he does like it, he just liked this moss/olive green one that was more fabric-y.  I didn't like it as much because it didn't support my back as much as the one we got, plus it'd be more difficult to clean), a mixed leather one.  I never thought we'd end up picking out a leather sofa, but there you go.  It's comfortable and nice, and we are pretty psyched about it.  The other day we wandered around Bed, Bath & Beyond to look at accent pillows and whatnot, because we'll finally have something nice, and then we can create a 'look' for the room.  It arrived in Pullman yesterday, but Zak's friend Mat is helping Zak pick it up tomorrow (since we don't want to pay $50 to ship it to us).  Here is a few pictures of it:
 fresh from the factory

 we got the pillows from Bed, Bath & Beyond; the tiger one Zak got in Nepal

4.  I got extremely praised at work yesterday.  Our corporate execs were visiting (they do so every 8 weeks, and I have always missed out because I normally don't work on Wednesdays) our store and since I've been kicking butt the last couple of months, I was called out by my district merchant lady.  I was surprised and caught off-guard...and also pretty embarrassed.  I don't like to have a lot of attention focused on me, not at work, not when I'm opening birthday presents, I just don't like it.  But whatever.  My numbers have been really good lately, and I am proud of that, but I don't feel like I'm doing a whole lot more at work.  I am definitely more confident with my products and what to suggest to people, and I greet/meet customers more.  But I don't think I've been doing something so progressive.  But whatever, my managers think I'm awesome, so we'll leave it at that.  I also have a really low return rate, which I didn't know.  The corporate lady said that implies/infers (?) that I find out what my customer wants and I get it for them and they leave happy.  So that was cool.  Oh and I got to be in a meeting with some of our 'elite' selling team, talking about our new way of selling and why it's great, etc.  I don't know, I'm proud that I've been doing so well, but now I feel like I have to continually keep it up, so I don't disappoint everyone.  I'm working on it.

5.  The weather is starting to get cold and crisp, and we both love it.  Some of the trees on campus have even starting to turn color!  I'm getting really excited, because we are going to have fall here!  Of course, it's nothing compared to back east, but it's more than I've ever experienced, and for that, I am excited.  I'm also excited for these things:
-pumpkins, carving, eating, etc.
-caramel/candy apples
-apples in general (ooh, apple crisp!)
-scary movies
-watching leaves/rain fall, while bundled up in blankets with Zak
-trick-or-treaters this year!
-soup--clam chowder, potato, minestrone, tortellini, ravioli, I think I might try homemade chicken noodle!

Not to get ahead of ourselves, but we are both (Zak more than me) excited for winter, because it'll be beautiful here.  I'm happy to have autumn for awhile, however.  I'll post pictures of the leaves as they start to turn even more.

6.  Zak is finally getting back to full-time and 40 or so hours a week.  Meaning I don't have to pick up a shift or two every week if I don't want to, because Zak will have more hours than me, hahaha.  One of the girls quit this past week (and is now working in the shoe department at Macy's), so it's just going to be four people (including Zak) at work.  Which is good for the hours and information will be easier to consolidate, but bad because of scheduling.  I'm hoping we get at least one day off a week together.

7.  We are going to Spokane next month to see one of our favorite bands since high school, Coheed and Cambria.  Zak has seen many bands in his day, but never them, so he is really pumped.  I'm not a huge concert person, and I've only been to a handful (well, 3, but I was chaperoning 2 of them, the only one that was my choice when I was 16, Rufus Wainwright in San Francisco--win), but!  I love this band too, so I am excited.  In fact, before we started dating, Zak was over at my apartment for a big dance party thing, and he was wearing a Coheed and Cambria shirt.  I told him I loved them, and he asked if I liked them before they got big, and I was like, 'Duh, since I was 15.'  He then fell in love with me right then.  No, I'm just kidding, but I guess it made me e v e n cooler to him.  More to come on the concert, but we are getting pretty excited for it!

8.  I'm pretty sure that's all that has happened/will happen.  Right now I am home sick (blah), and need to do some dishes or something.  It's like they never end...That's all for now--ttfn--ta-ta for now!

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