Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Donated My Hair

Yesterday my friend Brittany cut 8" of my hair off.  I had been growing it out for almost 2 years and decided that enough was enough.  I didn't want to be like the girls at my school, who cut their immediately following their wedding (I don't understand their reasoning...they get it cut very, very short as well.), so I looked into donating it.  I donated 10" my sophomore year, but once Zak measured my hair to 10", I decided to see if there was another program I could donate a short amount of hair to.  Lo and behold, my conditioner bottle had a website on it, I checked it out and was relieved that 8" was the minimum donation requirement, AND the program goes to making wigs for women with cancer.

So I had my friend Brittany cut it for me.  It took a little over a hour, but that's because Britt also styles my hair while I'm over there.  It's great.  I was a little nervous driving to her apartment, but once she put that smock on me, I told her to do whatever she thought would be good.  It turned out amazing, I absolutely love it.  And Zak loves it, too!  I put up some pictures on my facebook account, but I'll add some here as well.  I hope you all enjoy the pictures! :)

the obvious BEFORE

AFTER--curled & styled by Brittany


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