Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Move

Sorry it's taken me a few weeks to write this, but I did manage to get the pictures up on Facebook the other week.  We've been so busy lately.  Well, we were able to move into our new place (bottom level of a house in a quiet neighborhood) a day earlier than we anticipated, which was a nice surprise.  While I was at work, Zak and Chad moved most of the boxes and furniture over.  I was shocked to see most everything in our new place!  We spent the night at our new place, and the following morning, got up and moved the last few things from our old place.  Then we spent a few hours cleaning the bottom level and by early afternoon, we were all done and ready to start unpacking!

The first night I think I washed all the towels, blankets, pillows and sheets we had, as well as a few loads of laundry.  I absolutely LOVE having the washer dryer in the bathroom, I don't care that it's a little cramped, it is a life-changer.  The first week actually went smoother than I imagined, since Zak didn't have much else to do besides study for finals, he unpacked about 90% of the boxes, it was awesome.  I felt bad, because I'd come home from work exhausted and wouldn't want to unpack.  But I found the time some nights and now we are almost completely unpacked!  Except for the second's a bit scary in there.  We have to get it clean before the end of the month because Chad & Bryan are giving us their guest bed for the room, since they are moving from a 2-bedroom to a 1-bedroom.

Anyways, to sum up: WE LOVE IT HERE!  We really do.  The location is great, about a ten minute walk from downtown, and there are no neighbor kids screaming all the time.  It is so wonderful to go outside and tan in the sun, in our big yard.  We had a bbq last weekend with our friends, and it was so nice to be able to enjoy eating outside, etc.  The living room is so big, but it's so nice.  We got a great desk from some guy selling it on Craiglist; apparently it was his grandma's and it's all wood, etc.  It's a nice addition.  We are working on getting a bookshelf, since our old one was pretty crappy and lasted the maximum amount of time it could.  I'm still adjusting to the kitchen and cooking, but it's good--there is a ton of room for all the dishes, appliances, prep area!  It's marvelous.  And we have SO much storage, it is ridiculous!  Two linen closets, a pantry, and another closet we've been keeping our shoes in.  We are in love.

And now, for pictures!

looking at the house

our little path

looking back at the path

our porch area
our backyard, with new outdoor furniture!

looking at the back of the house

our herb pot: basil, spearmint, dill & chives--all from the Farmer's Market!

enjoying our porch area, Zak strung up some nice lights, but they are hard to see in this picture; they look great at night!
entry way (to left is shoe closet), pre-desk

shoe closet!

our desk! and all the books to the side, waiting for a home

looking back at door (left is bathroom)

living room wall, before Chad came and took the boxes to use for their move

part of the kitchen area


pantry and an old dishwasher we might try hooking up

looking at kitchen from the front door

my awesome husband!

retro kitchen--the right side is the oven, the left side is storage for pots, it's strange but works alright!

looking at living room

looking into hallway

hallway with wedding pictures

looking into our bedroom

dresser and nice big window

Zak's half and closet

Zak tolerates my stuffed animals 

it's a nice, spacious bedroom

my half, second window

unexciting furnace room

going back into living room

living room!



vanity! and the best part is, Zak said I could use the whole thing! it's amazing!
small but fine shower

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