Welcome to the blog. I guess I will let you in on what is happening with me and my life...sometimes. Currently it is alright, can't complain too much, except I live in Rexburg, Idaho. Rexburg would be fine if the weather was more moderate and it wasn't 4-5 hours away from the nearest major cities or airports (Boise, Salt Lake City). I am just ready to be done with this phase of my life and continue onward into the future. I am set to graduate in April, with a B.A. in Art, emphasis in Art History, minor in Humanities. The plan so far is for me and my husband Zak to get our acts together and head out of town on or a day before April 15, when our lease is up. We are planning to drive across the country, with our destination being Connecticut. Hopefully we will be both be able to work for Zak's old boss during the summer. Zak has yet to finalize his education desires, as of right now, the top two schools he's interested in are in Syracuse, NY, and New Haven, CT. He wants to be a park ranger, but is also interested in a multitude of things, primarily geology and philosophy. Once Zak gets his education plans straightened out, I hope to intern or work at a museum in the area where he will be at school. That is a pretty lofty goal, but hopefully some good will come of it. We hope to stay a minimum of 2 years in the New England area.
My schooling is going fine, although Senioritis is starting to creep up on me. One of my classes for my minor is American Humanities, which would be fine, if I had a different teacher. I am unfortunately subjected to the same teacher I took a few years ago for Humanities 101. I had already passed 201 and 202 with flying colors, and found out I had to take 101 for my minor. The entire semester was a waste, in my opinion. I didn't like the teacher, his teaching methods or style, and got an A for practically doing nothing the whole time. So now (karma) I have this teacher again, much to my dismay. So far it has been open-book quizzes on-line, group discussions on-line, videos in class, and lots and lots of time spent on tangents. He can't stay very focused on the subject at hand and often gets caught up in the 'spiritual' aspect of the class, when we are supposed to be studying American Humanities. And he talks and acts like everything is so serious and life-changing. I am just here to learn about American art, poetry, literature, etc. Luckily, I took American art history last semester, so I know I'll do brilliantly in the art department, come test time.
My last art studio class is Watercolor. I have never worked with watercolors before, aside from those little palettes of hard paint from when I was in elementary school. This is a completely different ball game. And at first I was so overwhelmed by the class, its expectations, etc., that I spent the afternoon crying and depressed. I already have low self-esteem about my artistic capabilities (which are severely limited to fancy font, typography, and drawing hearts), and was worried this class wasn't going to go well. But I talked to my professor about my worries and she helped me out, and things have gotten better. I am interested in learning and paintings, so hopefully I might actually be good at this! I hope I will be, because $200 were spent on art supplies, and I plan on making the most out of them.
Well, this is the blog. I don't know what's going to happen with it or where's it going, but maybe you'll enjoy it or not. Only time can tell. And now--dinner with Zak!